To make room for the money shot
To make more catharsis
Feelings like
Here’s the picture I saved
Here I am
Again, but somehow different
We will continue this later
A balloon under an awning
Was it red for you?
The hollow made by shaking
Coins in a cup
Trash bags ravaged in the street
Faces up against the window
Minute by minute
Something that urges
First thing I look for
In any body
Points of departure
An object to capture
Illusion of to hold
A woman on the train spends
The whole ride deciding
Whether to filter her face
& how
Outside, it’s nearly magic hour
One hand in another
Things seen in pieces
Puddle streaks
Outline of a leaf
Each stem split
Like a ladle
Half-spilled on pavement
Holes like those left by bullets
Film technique
In which footage keeps rolling
As voiceover from a future scene starts
Some kind of catch
Up or put off
Or prediction
The way a backpack’s latches swing
Back & forth
Back & forth
For someone else’s private viewing
You know they have drive-thru funerals
For those who find it hard
To slip away
Somewhere in the middle
Three girls with lollipops
One just holding the wrapper
Deciding whether she likes black cherry
The scent & how it tastes
The way my eyes can make you stop
Transition from the still
To the moving
Image, a sign
Above the water fountain warns
Do not use for anything other
Than drinking
A voice on the air says
Does God condone torture?
A voice in the air says
That’s a wrap
Moving on
Everything looks upside down
At dawn, or as if doubled
In a mirror, we see what we want to
Like parts of some distant being
That remain disparate
Long enough for each look
Of desperation
You know what I mean
Form as filament
Wish as fulfillment