[Yuna Kim competing in the 2010 Olympic Women’s Figure
Skating Long Program]
apart from this
a new frequency
deep into
gravel pits
the yellow
tucked necks
of quiet machines
pneumatic sleep
the only view
that makes sense
is the aerial one
from there
loves look manageable
and tragedies
appear barely
to stir
the tall stalks
the blind
beam of light scanning
a wrecking arm
and as it went
you left your crouch
to bolt joyously
the many lanes
the unlit interstices
as parched
as casual
as the dangerous rocks
what does the clockwise
tell you that the counter-
clockwise does not
in both
you end up a trial case
you turn to address
this strange one
the bandages
old friend
you want to say
through the cage
of your hand