Sola dosis facit venenvm—attributed to Paracelsus, father of modern toxicology
From a distance the snow
It’s like we married each other’s want
Farewell has a set of unclean teeth
These facts hinged on an overwhelming sense of
It’s like expecting each meal to be poisoned
Nervous, like February, waiting for sun
If I say no will I see you again
If I release my knotted muscles
If I consume everything
Arm around my waist, we walk
Kissing, your chest like a manic wave
Your tongue like lightning on my suprasternal notch
I whisper, this life is a thumbprint on a sunburn
Our tablecloth is soaked with tears but we still have
Behind your green eye a blistering barrage of song
When we are apart I move like a snake beheaded
A blackbird rests on the couch in our home waiting to be fed
I can’t keep myself upright like a lightswitch
A wind running down the neck’s length like a leopard
Sometimes I envy prey
I’m tired of being a man, tired of thorn & sinew, root & arm
I’m a boisterous boy, prone to fracture
I’m an unshaved girl with her hands in the air
I’m a passionless night, a pointless apology
I’m a wolf in the water with my arm in a sling while the moon wets the hour with silver piss
I am roasting my innards
My heart is a cat on a spit
We’re like two aging swans without a lake
Together we break & bend toward the morning, away from
Morning, rough like snakeskin, like wet wax & waking light that wanders over two sets of guilty shoulders
Unsleeping in a long syllable of stillness
We float in an unmanned boat over the muteness of our longest dawn
In this house my body is the body of my mother & only
The body of my father pressing farther into the earth
This is relevant to the way we rise
We’ve thought about dying before, about stormclouds in relation to the way our cold hands tremble
We’re not ready to unseal the enormous envelopes of our bodies
We practice our pageant with weak ambition
Is this practice prayer or palmistry
Is this not proof enough
Is this faith or
Is this feeling familiar
Is this what you imagined I’d do
This was all your idea
You open the wound of your voice to every whispered god
I hide the moment I realized I was truly alone in a tiny wooden box
It’s like coming into a great deal of money without the money
Ontologically this is not insignificant, the empty space
In Livy 8.18 the author wonders if the great many deaths in the year 331 should be attributed to plague or a conspiracy to poison the men of Rome
Venenum is from Venus, after all, & poison has a soft hand, a second set of lips
Livy would prefer to think it was illness that tore them down
Quintilian conflates “adulteress” with “poisoner”
We blame all our plagues on whatever’s easiest
I’ve been letting my blood to draw in the light
When a cloud covers my head I erupt in irritation
On the train my hands like insular spiders finger imaginary frets
In this house my body is the body of someone extraordinary
Outside the trees are shivering white
From a distance the snow seems like a permanent skin
We whisper into cups of stale coffee all the insults we’d like to unleash
It’s like playing tennis without the tennis
Ever since I was a child I’ve loved fog
Oblivion has a sweet taste, so does fear
Poison is a tool of quickening
It makes things urgent, inevitable
One could say that poisoning enables intimacy
Brings one closer to one’s body, forces attention to be paid
Perhaps that was what we needed
The last practical moment we shared together was a mistake
The whole world tasted like peaches, like lip-gloss & glitter
A long embrace, a whiskey-swallow retch
A backward glance, Andromache to Hector, I with the eyes of a widow & full
There were no excuses when the sun came
Even when the bottle doesn’t bust there’s consequence
It’s like the twisted ankle of the morning
The moment your eyes roll up & out into the light opposing another cycle of tides
Everything coalesces into a shallow trench, like decision
Everything falters
An argument after its hour
That isn’t what I meant, you interrupted
You wander out of the hallway pearl-eyed &
I wonder about tomorrow
Flower of flower, wind & leaf, barebud & bold blue flower bending
Wanting you well-watered, full of sun
Don’t watch me I am proving something
I’m a cynic with a dog’s tongue inside me
An emerald ring in my hand is a grenade
I’m reminded my voice is not the smack of thunder, despite
Coupling under warm water we wonder whether we have been digested
We want to call it love without crossing our fingers
If you’ve never eaten while crying you don’t know what life tastes like
I said my hand’s on my heart for you, I’ve saved the big piece for last, we’ll share, we’ll eat together, we’ll have enough
From a distance the snow looks manageable
We’d like to think the coming storm will fade
The next few days will test our firm resolve
Somewhere inside us our ghost ships are setting sail
Nothing tangible on the horizon to hold on to
No one to give a final heave or benediction
Each wave will threaten the entire enterprise
Despite the morning’s offer, extended at heart-height
The crown of the sun will never grace my forehead
& we won’t live to see the melt in March